Astor and the Titanic
The Astoria civic leaders in 1911 were planning a big centennial celebration, and among the nationally famous names on the guest list was that of John Jacob Astor IV, great-grandson of Astoria's founder.
At first John Jacob Astor accepted the invitation but later sent regrets. He had married his second wife and was setting out on a European honeymoon. However, his letter graciously expressed his good wishes for the success of the event and enclosed a check for $10,000 to help with expenses. Eight months later, April 1912, John Jacob IV lost his life in the tragic sinking of the Titanic while returning from this honeymoon.
As in the protocol in abandoning ship, John Jacob Astor IV lowered his new bride and his infant son, John Jacob Astor VI, into the lifeboat and waved goodbye for the last time.
Page credit goes to Vera Whitney, "The Ators & Atoria"