Lewis and Clark
It’s been over 200 years since U.S. President Thomas Jefferson dispatched Meriwether Lewis and William Clark and their Corps of Discovery to find a water route connecting the interior of the country to the trade routes of the Pacific.
Now it’s your turn.
You don’t need a presidential commission to take this trip, or to find out more about Lewis & Clark’s journey in Oregon and the Pacific Northwest.
Walk a mile — or more than 450 miles through Oregon and Washington — and follow in the footsteps of Meriwether Lewis, William Clark and the rest of the courageous team who, led by Sacagawea, explored what is now present-day Oregon and Washington from October 1805 to May 1806.
With a charge from President Thomas Jefferson to explore the Pacific Northwest, navigate the Columbia River and reach the Pacific Ocean for future trade opportunities, the explorers accomplished extraordinary feats. When the journey began, Lewis and Clark and the Corps of Discovery could not have imagined what their adventure would entail. They encountered native people, resulting in a clash of cultures that continues today. They documented plant and animal species not previously categorized by science. On their journey, the Corps passed through a diverse land of high desert hills, evergreen forests, caves, waterfalls, snow-capped mountains and wild rivers.
The unique attributes found in this region were spirited treasures to Lewis and Clark and continue to attract today's adventurers. From history to hiking, rafting to relaxing — Oregon and Washington offer something for everyone. Learn about the tribal people who lived, and continue to live, throughout the Pacific Northwest, and the critical role they played in helping the Corps of Discovery with their journey toward the Pacific Ocean. Spend the night near one of the many sites where Lewis and Clark set up camp. Visit hundreds of culturally diverse communities and towns along the Lewis and Clark Trail. Although much of the area has been developed, it's likely you'll see some of the same scenery Lewis and Clark saw 200 years ago.
Arriving in the Pacific Northwest, Lewis and Clark found a lush countryside rich with possibility. And the promise of yesterday is today's reality — from the trade routes along the Columbia, Snake and Willamette Rivers to Hood River's many orchards to the numerous vineyards in Eastern Washington.